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Statement by Kurdistan’s three presidencies and heads of political parties on Iraqi government formation

Kurdistan Region’s three presidencies and heads of Kurdistan’s political parties met on 24 February to discuss the outcome of the recent talks on the formation of the next Iraqi cabinet.

The Kurdistan Regional Government’s negotiating team on the formation of the Iraqi cabinet also participated in the meeting.

The meeting discussed the outcomes of the recent visit made by the representatives of Kurdistani political parties to Baghdad, their talks with the Iraqi political parties and Prime Minister- designate Mr. Muhammad Allawi.

After assessing the recent talks with Baghdad, and to find solutions for the current situation in Iraq and to ensure active participation in resolving the issues, the meeting issued the following statement:

First: We work to form a new government that enjoys the trust of all communities across Iraq, has the ability to solve the current problems in the country, makes serious efforts to restore stability and also makes preparations for an early election.

Second: The steps taken by Mr. Allawi so far have not earned the trust of many Iraqi parties and communities, therefore we ask that his work plan and agenda be revised in a way that the future government will address and meet the demands of all Iraqi communities.

Third: We insist on protecting the constitutional entity of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq and all its constitutional rights including the disputed areas. The Kurdistani communities and the Kurdistan Region’s official institutions are the only legitimate bodies that can designate the representatives of the Kurdistan Region to the Iraqi federal government on the basis of genuine national partnership, consensus and balance.

Fourth: Iraq is now facing serious domestic and foreign challenges and is passing through a dangerous historical turning point. Therefore, we urge all political leaders to join the negotiation table and reach a unified national decision.

Fifth: In order to achieve these objectives, the Kurdistan Region’s delegation will continue talks and exchange of ideas with all Iraqi political parties.