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Committees’ recent meetings

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

24 December – The committee, led by the vice-chair Mr. Hevidar Ahmad (KDP), had separate meetings about the Reform Bill with Interior Minister Rebar Ahmad and with Martyrs and Anfal Affairs Minister Abdullah Haji Mahmood. Minister for the Region for Parliament Affairs Dr. Vala Fareed also participated in the meetings.

The committee and Minister Rebar Ahmad discussed in particular arrangements and coordination for the salaries, pensions, benefits and allowances of Government security guards.

The committee and Minister Abdullah Haji Mahmood discussed ensuring fairness in the Reform Bill for the families of martyrs in terms of their salaries, pensions, privileges and allowances, and removing unjustifiable claimants from the lists of martyrs’ families.

The committee decided to meet with the Peshmerga Affairs Minister next to discuss the aspects of the Reform Bill that pertain to the Peshmerga forces.

The draft legislation is called the Bill on Reform of Pensions, Salaries, Allowances, Grants and Other Benefits.

Martyrs Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

23 December – The committee, led by the chair Ms. Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP), met with several NGOs representing families of martyrs and victims of the Anfal and other acts of genocide, to hear their requests and views on the Bill on Reform of Pensions, Salaries, Allowances, Grants and Other Benefits. They focused on the articles and provisions that refer to families of martyrs and genocide victims. The committee said that removing unwarranted claims from the lists of families would be in the families’ interests, and they assured the NGOs that they will advocate for their requests in their report on the Bill and in the Parliament chamber.

Peshmerga Committee

23 December – The committee members, led by chair Mr. Reving Heruri (KDP), gave their views and comments on the Reform Bill and decided to submit their report on it to Parliament’s Presidency.

The MPs also decided, after giving letters of thanks to two volunteers who helped the Peshmerga forces during the war against ISIS, to thank in writing all the other volunteers as well.