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Committees’ recent meetings – 19 January 2019

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees' recent meetings and activities:

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

15 January- The committee, led by the chair Ms. Salma Fatih (PUK), held their weekly meeting. They discussed their work priorities and plans for the next legislative season. 

One of the laws that the committee plans to work on is a special law on the Kurdistan Olympic Committee.

The Committee responded to all comments, complaints, and appeals from the public.

Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

15 January- The committee, led by the chair Ms. Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP), held their usual meeting. They discussed the concerns expressed by representatives of political prisoners regarding the impact of the Reform Bill. They reviewed in detail several articles of the Bill relating to the rights, benefits and privileges of martyrs and political prisoners. 

The committee called on the Ministry of Martyrs to act quickly to help repatriate the remains of Kurds killed in the Anfal genocide that have been discovered in mass graves in Samawa, South Iraq, so that they may be given proper burials and a final resting place.

Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

15 January - The committee, led by the chair Mr. Shakhawan Rauf (Chang), held their regular meeting. The MPs discussed the notes and complaints sent by the public, some were answered and the others were sent were sent to the relevant authorities for follow-up.

Committee on Protection of Women's Rights

15 January - The committee held their regular meeting, led by the chair Ms. Lanja Dizayee (KDP). They discussed implementing their plans for the next six months, including visiting women’s shelters, meeting with the KRG Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and with the Directorate for Combating Violence in Families, in order to learn more about their problems and challenges, and help to resolve them.

They decided to increase their coordination and liaison with the Kurdistan High Council of Women’s Affairs and with civil society organizations, in order to advance rights and opportunities for women in Kurdistan Region.

The Committee decided to invite to Parliament the KRG Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the General Directorate for Combating Violence in Families and the High Council of Women’s Affairs to inform them about their plan.     

Committee on Kurdistani Areas Outside the KRG Administrative Area

15 January - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP), held their regular meeting. They discussed the latest progress of drafting a book on the history and geography of Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area. The Director of Parliament's Research Centre Mr. Fuad Ahmed, the Head of Parliament's Library, and Dr. Khalil Ismail, a history and geography expert, attended the meeting.

The committee decided to supervise the publication of the book and to have it translated into Arabic and English.

The committee responded to all the relevant notes and reports sent by the public, and submitted some of them to Parliament's Presidency.