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Committees’ recent meetings – 23 January 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee

22 January - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Esmail Sgery (KIU), met with the Chief of the Diwan of Parliament, Mr. Ardalan Muhammad. The MPs asked Mr. Muhummad about the management of Parliament’s administration, the number of administrative and support staff in Parliament and in Parliament’s branch offices in other cities and governorates. 

The Chief of the Diwan answered all the committee's questions and said that he would formally provide all the necessary information and statistics.

The committee and Mr. Muhammad agreed to meet regularly henceforth to look into Parliament’s management and administration.

Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee

22 January - The committee, led by the chair Mr. Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP), held their regular meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, the committee responded to all the notes, complaints, and requests that were submitted.

The Committee discussed the issues of transferring teachers on contracts to permanent government employment, ensuring that the top high-school graduates get university places, and the problems at Kurdistan’s private universities. 

The committee decided to meet with the Kurdistan Regional Government to resolve these issues.

Peshmerga Committee

22 January - The committee, led by the chair Mr. Reving Heruri (KDP), welcomed the International Peshmerga Organization who proposed the idea of designating a National Peshmerga Day. 

The organization has collected a petition of 130,000 signatures supporting the idea. The committee members announced their support for the proposal.

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area

22 January - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP) met with representatives of the citizens of the Nineveh Plains.

The delegation gave the committee a petition signed by 22,000 people from all the different ethnic and religious communities of the Nineveh Plains, demanding the return of the Peshmerga forces to their areas, an end to demographic change, and for militias to leave.

They also demanded to manage their areas on the basis of peaceful coexistence between the different communities.

The MPs affirmed their support for the demands of people in the Nineveh Plains and pledged to discuss appropriate solutions with the Iraqi Parliament and to submit their demands to the United Nations.