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Committees' recent meetings - 29 January 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent meetings and activities:
Committee on Protection of Women's Rights

28 January - MPs from the committee chaired by Ms. Lanja Dizayee (KDP) received a delegation from the General Directorate on Combating Domestic Violence led by the Director General, Ms. Kurda Omar.

The General Directorate staff explained to the MPs the problems that they face and what could be done to solve them. They also discussed the possibility of amending the Law on Violence against family. They pointed to activate the hotline and its positive impact on the awareness of the community.  They also discussed the reasons for the high rate of divorce and ways of eliminating it.

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

28 January- MPs from the committee led by the chair Hawre Mala Star held their regular meeting.They discussed the citizen’s complaints and demands that directed to the committee.

The committee also discussed the issue of housing units that were built for those with limited income by the KRG Ministry of Construction and Housing, which was not completed yet. The committee decided to form a sub-committee with the aim of follow-up and to take necessary actions.