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Committees' recent meetings - 30 January 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees' recent meetings and activities:

Two committees meet with British Consulate General officials

29 January - MPs from the Energy and Natural Recourses Committee and the Finance and Economic Affairs Committee received Mr. Finti Inkat, Head of Political Affairs at the British Consulate General in Erbil.

They discussed the talks to reach an agreement between Erbil and Baghdad on oil, and the process of reforming oil revenues. They said that the agreement is for the Iraqi Federal Government to send Kurdistan Region’s budget allocation, in return for Kurdistan sending 250,000 barrels of oil per day.

MPs thanked the UK for its efforts to bring Kurdistan and the federal government’s views closer on Iraq’s 2020 general budget. Mr. Inkat expressed his full support for each step that would bring the KRG and the Iraqi Government closer to solving the issues of the budget and oil.

Committee on Protection of Women's Rights

29 January - The committee, led by the chair Ms. Lanja Dizayee (KDP), met with Erbil General Directorate of Social Affairs and the shelters teams. 

They discussed how to resolve the problems in shelters. They also discussed the importance of the general prosecutor being involved in cases related to women in shelters and of hiring attorneys for the cases to resolve them sooner.

The Social Affairs team called on the committee to modify the relevant laws which would help to improve the protection of women.

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

29 January - The committee met with owners of homes in an uncompleted housing project for teachers, called Teachers City. They called on the committee to help them resolve the issues with the uncompleted project, and said that the project developer has not fully resolved their problems.

The committee supported their demands and promised the representatives to follow up on the problems and help resolve them.

Agriculture and Irrigation Committee

29 January - The committee, led by the chair Mr. Abdulsatar Majeed (KIG), held their usual meeting. Three committee members were asked to draft a bill on regulation of fruit markets and prepare the committee’s report on the bill.

The committee decided to formally ask the Kurdistan Regional Government's negotiating team with Baghdad to discuss and resolve the farmers' financial problems.

 Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism Committee

29 January - The committee, led by the chair Mr. Luqman Wardi (PUK), held their weekly meeting. They discussed the preparation of a proposed bill to protect water and wastewater facilities.

The committee also discussed people's complaints about household water meters, problems with Hesaruk area's land services, the problem of a household waste tax, and the renting of billboards.

The Committee responded to all the notes, complaints and requests sent by the public and referred some of them to the appropriate authorities.