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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes UN Association of Germany's Regional Group Chair

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 6 January met with the United Nations Association of Germany's Chair for Lower-Saxony, Mr. Paolo Bragagna, and his delegation. 

Mr. Bragagna said that NGOs and civil society organisations from the Kurdistan Region can participate in the United Nations by obtaining accreditation for consultative status. He said creating more links between the people of Kurdistan and other countries is important for the wider public to understand Kurdistan Region's peaceful coexistence and regional challenges. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Germany has been a close partner of the Kurdistan Region in the war against ISIS and in many other areas, and that Kurdistan hopes that this close partnership will continue. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami visited Germany in November 2019 to participate in the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum and also met with members of the Bundestag, Germany's federal parliament. 

He thanked Mr. Bragagna for helping to strengthen Kurdistan Region's relations with the UN Association of Germany.

United Nations associations (UNAs) are non-governmental organization that exist in many countries to raise public awareness of the UN and its work, to promote the general goals of the UN.