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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami evaluates recent performance of Parliament’s committees

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 22 January chaired a meeting to evaluate and review the recent performance of Parliament’s 19 committees.

The meeting was attended by the Parliament Secretary Ms. Muna Kahveci and the heads of the committees. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami thanked the 19 standing committees for their work of oversight and law-making and informed them that at the Parliament sitting of 23 January, the KRG will give an update of their talks with the Iraqi government on the Iraqi 2020 draft budget and oil.

The Deputy Speaker said that scrutinizing the Government in line with the Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure is a very important duty of MPs.

Mr. Hawrami then presented the quantitative evaluation of each committees’ performance in terms of holding meetings, responding to letters and complaints sent by the public, and other duties, and he asked them about their future plans.

The chairs, vice-chairs and rapporteurs of the committees discussed with Mr. Hawrami their meetings, field visits and drafting of legislation.