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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami meets unemployed graduates from Kirkuk

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 29 January met with representatives of unemployed graduates from Kirkuk. MPs Ms. Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP) and Mr. Sirwan Baban (New Generation), the chair and member respectively of the Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside the KRG Administrative Area, attended the meeting.

The graduates’ representatives briefed Mr. Hawrami on the problems they have faced, and informed him about their recent peaceful demonstration demanding equal employment opportunities in government institutions.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami expressed his support for their rights, stressing that opportunities for jobs in government institutions must be available to all graduates, without ethnic or religious discrimination, in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG Area administration.

Mr. Hawrami pledged to convey their grievances to the relevant authorities in Kurdistan.