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Kurdistan Parliament condemns Hassan Nasrallah's recent comments on President Masoud Barzani and the Peshmerga

The Kurdistan Parliament condemned Hassan Nasrallah's recent comments about Kurdistan Region, in the following statement.

The Kurdistan Parliament condemns in the strongest terms the speech by Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah in which he unjustifiably and unlawfully attacked President Masoud Barzani and the Peshmerga forces, who are the symbols of the war against the terrorist organization ISIS.

The Peshmerga forces destroyed the myth of ISIS's invincibility on the battlefield, showed immense courage and gave their lives on behalf of the civilised world to defeat ISIS on the ground.

Regrettably, leaders in Nasrallah’s party took part in the violent and unconstitutional attack on Kurdistan Region in 2017. We, as representatives of the people of Kurdistan Region, are loyal to those who stood by us, and we reject attacks by any party or side.

We, as representatives of the will of the Kurdistani people, condemn in the strongest terms any attempt to sully the Peshmerga forces or any symbol of our nation that we hold dear.

Kurdistan Parliament - Iraq

13 January 2020