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Order of Business for 12 January: Second reading of Reform Bill, vote on Anti-Narcotics Bill and Turkmen National Days Resolution

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting of Sunday 12th January at 11 am – the 13th ordinary sitting of the autumn session of the first year of the Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term:

1) Vote on the Bill on Narcotics and the Dealers and Users of Narcotics in the Kurdistan Region – Iraq, per articles 90, 91, 92, 96 and 97 of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

2) Vote on the Resolution on the National Days of the Turkmen Nation, per articles 90, 91, 92, 96 and 97 of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

3) Second reading of the Bill on Reform of Pensions, Salaries, Allowances, Grants and Other Benefits, per articles 87, 88, 89 of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament decides and announces the order of business of this sitting according to Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure, Article 5, Article 16 (paragraphs 1, 2), Article 18 (paragraph 3), Article 20 (paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), and articles 47, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56 and 57.