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Order of Business for 23 January: KRG delegation to present latest on talks with Iraqi Federal Government on 2020 budget, oil and gas

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament announces the order of business for the sitting of Thursday 23rd January at 11 am – the 16th ordinary sitting of the autumn session of the first year of the Kurdistan Parliament’s fifth term:

1) A Kurdistan Regional Government delegation will present an update on their meetings with the Iraqi Federal Government regarding the draft 2020 budget and oil and gas issues.

2) Dr. Galawesh Obeid Osman (KDP) will discuss the need to establish specialist consultant centres for children with developmental disorders, mental and physical disabilities and chronic conditions, per Article 49 (paragraph 1, point 2) of Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure.

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament decides and announces the order of business of this sitting according to Parliament’s Internal Rules of Procedure, Article 5, Article 16 (paragraphs 1, 2), Article 18 (paragraph 3), Article 20 (paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), and articles 47, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56 and 57.