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Statement by the three presidencies of Kurdistan Region

Kurdistan Region’s three highest authorities, Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani, Speaker of Parliament Dr. Rewas Faiq, KRG Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 8 January met to discuss recent events in Kurdistan and Iraq.

Detailed assessments were made of the latest developments in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq. The three presidencies expressed their grave concerns over the escalation of tensions in the region, at a time when the risk of terrorism is on the increase and the threat of terrorism against Kurdistan Region and Iraq is real.

The Kurdistan Region reiterates that military action will not in any way resolve the conflict. The Kurdistan Region supports de-escalation of the situation and resolution through dialogue and diplomacy. The Kurdistan Region also seeks peace and stability, and urges all parties to refrain from dragging the Kurdistan Region into rivalries.

The Kurdistan Region believes that the International Coalition’s support is essential to help Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in the fight against terror, particularly in light of the resurgence of terrorist groups’ movements and activities. The Kurdistan Region urges the international community not to allow a revival of terror.