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Committee's recent meetings - 22 July 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees' recent meetings:

Integrity Committee

20 July - Kurdistan Parliament’s Integrity Committee, led by the chair Shirin Amin (Gorran), at their regular meeting on 20 July decided to prepare a report on the Kurdistan Region Integrity Commission's annual report, and submit it to Parliament’s Presidency.

The report will include committee members’ assessment and suggestions on the annual report of the Integrity Commission, which is an independent body established to combat corruption under Law No. 3 of 2011.

The committee members also decided to set up a subcommittee to question the Integrity Commission about its reasons for closing the case of 5 million dollars allocated to Erbil as the tourism capital of 2014.

The MPs also discussed and replied to all the notes, complaints, and requests submitted by the public to the committee.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

21 July - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), held their usual meeting by video conference. The MPs discussed the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) representative offices abroad, and the development of the KRG’s relations with other countries through those representations, including cultural and economic relations.

The committee discussed the oversight and monitoring of the KRG foreign representations’ activities. To this end, the committee decided to submit a note to Parliament’s Presidency on the KRG representations and hold a workshop with them.

The committee members then discussed the process so far of drafting the Kurdish Diaspora Law, and they decided to discuss this further at their next meeting.

Legislative Committee

21 July- The committee, led by the chair Bizhar Kochar (KDP), held their usual meeting. The MPs discussed preparation of the final report on the Bill (draft law) on Patients' Rights and Duties. The meeting discussed the suggestions and comments made by MPs at the bill’s first reading, some of which will be included in committee’s the final report which they will submit to Parliament’s Presidency.