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Committees’ recent meetings – 30 July 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities.

Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

26 July - The committee, led by the chair Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP), held their usual meeting. The committee discussed the problems faced by the families of martyrs and the members suggested solutions.

The MPs also discussed a proposal for a bill on missing persons, and the chair Ms. Mirkhan asked committee members and advisers to give their views and suggestions on the proposed legislation, so that it can be scheduled for reading at a Parliament sitting.

The committee talked about putting in place a mechanism to oversee and monitor reform of the administrative departments of the Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs.

The committee decided to visit all departments of the Ministry of Martyrs and Political Prisoners after the Eid of the Sacrifice holidays, to learn more about the measures to reform the ministry’s departments.

Protection of Women's Rights Committee

27 July - The committee, led by the chair Lanja Dizayee (KDP), held their usual meeting. The committee members discussed a proposed bill on the High Council of Women’s Affairs, which they had hoped would be presented to Parliament in the current spring session.

Suggestions for amendments to the Law on Combating Domestic Violence (Law no. 8 of 2011) were discussed, and the MPs decided to submit a report to Parliament’s Presidency so that the proposed amendments can be scheduled for reading at a Parliament sitting.

The committee decided to hold a series of meetings with women's organizations after the Eid of the Sacrifice holidays, to understand the challenges to their work and help solve their problems.

Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee

27 July – The committee, led by the chair Esmail Sgery (KIU), held their usual meeting. Ardalan Muhammad, the Chief of the Diwan of Parliament, answered the members' questions.

The committee members addressed their concerns, views and questions to Mr. Muhammad regarding the cuts to Parliament’s budget, the authority over Parliament’s expenditure and how the budget is being spent, the structure and organisation of the Diwan of Parliament, and setting up a committee to implement the Reform Law’s provisions within Parliament.  

The Chief of the Diwan Mr. Muhammad answered the MP’s questions and said that he will look into all the measures needed to strengthen Parliament’s administration, with the support of Parliament’s Presidency.