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Committees' recent meetings - 5 July 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament Committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Three committees’ joint meeting on Turkey and Iran’s military attacks inside Kurdistan Region borders

30 June – The Interior, Peshmerga and Relations committees held a joint meeting on Turkey and Iran’s military attacks against the PKK inside Kurdistan Region’s borders. The committee members decided to visit the affected areas in the governorates of Erbil, Slemani and Duhok to fully understand the human suffering, damage and losses caused by the military attacks to innocent civilians in the areas.

The three committees held a press conference after their meeting.

Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee

29 June – The committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP), discussed the failure of some private universities to follow the Ministry of Higher Education’s order to reduce or cancel part of their student fees. The committee agreed that particularly in light of the current economic difficulties which also affect students, the universities should follow the ministry’s order.  

The MPs decided to visit private universities to look further into the matter.

The committee read all the notes, requests and complaints submitted by the public and decided how to respond and forward them to the relevant authorities.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights

30 June - The committee held an online meeting to follow up on members’ recent visits to prisons and prison directorates in Erbil, Slemani and Duhok, where they looked at prisoners’ rights and conditions and prisons’ measures to contain Coronavirus. The meeting was led by the chair, Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition).

The committee decided to prepare a detailed report for Parliament’s Presidency on how to improve conditions and meet the demands of prisoners in Kurdistan Region’s prisons, so that the report can be directed to the relevant authorities.

Martyrs’ Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

30 June - The committee, led by the chair Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP) met with the KRG Minister of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs, Abdullah Haji Mahmood, and his accompanying staff.

The committee and Minister Mahmood discussed initiating the implementation of the Reform Law, and the related coordination mechanisms between the Committee and the Ministry.

Another focus of the meeting was on the budget for allowances of former political prisoners. The ministry said that it reviewed the list of former political prisoners and removed fraudulent claimants.

The committee also asked Minister Mahmood to explain the distribution of land among the families of martyrs. The Minister said that he had prepared a committee on all administrative and legal affairs.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

30 June - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), convened for their weekly meeting. The MPs discussed the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) delegation’s preparedness in the current Strategic Dialogue between Iraq and the United States, Turkey's military campaigns inside Kurdistan Region territory, and the shelling inside Kurdistan Region's borders by Turkey and Iran.

The committee called on Parliament’s Presidency to use diplomatic and political channels, in coordination with the KRG, to stop Turkey’s and Iran’s attacks on inside Kurdistan Region’s borders.

Peshmerga Affairs Committee

30 June - The committee, led by the chair Reving Heruri (KDP), held their weekly meeting.

The committee discussed Turkey’s military campaigns inside Kurdistan Region and Iran’s shelling inside the borders. The committee decided to go to the border areas themselves to closely examine the situation.

On the implementation of the Reform Law, the committee decided that they must closely monitor and follow up the process and related issues. The MPs decided to form a sub-committee for the Reform Law’s implementation.

The committee called on all political parties in Kurdistan Region to strengthen their coordination and put aside their differences at this important stage.

The committee discussed and replied to the notes, demands and complaints submitted to them.

Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

30 June - The committee, led by the chair Shakhawan Rauf (Change Movement) discussed Turkey’s military campaigns inside Kurdistan Region’s borders, and Iran’s shelling of the border areas. The committee condemned the attacks and called on the Kurdistan Regional Government and Parliament to step up their efforts to stop them as soon as possible, to put an end to the devastating human and financial consequences for the people of Kurdistan Region.