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Committees’ recent meetings – 7 July 2020

Summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

5 July - The committee, led by the chair Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP), held their regular meeting. The MPs gave their views and recommendations on the situation in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administration, and compiled them into a report that will be submitted to Parliament’s Presidency, so that the subject can be scheduled for debate in a future Parliament sitting.

The committee’s report has two main parts: first, the MPs’ analysis of the situation in the areas and their recommendations; second, the demands of the people in the areas.

 Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

6 July - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Hawraman Gacheney (KIG), held their regular meeting. They discussed the cancellation of this year’s Hajj pilgrimage, which was scheduled for late July and cancelled by Saudi Arabia due to the Coronavirus pandemic. 

The MPs also discussed the public’s complaints about specialist Hajj travel agencies; and universities’ enrolment of students into religious education and studies this year.

The committee responded to the notes, letters and reports submitted to them, or referred them to the relevant authorities.

Integrity Committee

6 July - The committee, led by the chair Shirin Amin (Gorran) held their regular meeting.

The MPs discussed complaints about household water meters and decided to meet with Parliament’s Municipalities Committee on the matter in the near future.

The committee decided to submit its report to Parliament’s Presidency on the budget allocated to Erbil as the 2014 capital of tourism.

The MPs also decided to call on the chairman of Kurdistan’s Integrity Commission to discuss corruption in the region.

The committee responded to all the notes, letters and reports submitted by the public, or referred them to the relevant authorities.

Parliament committees visit border areas to look into Turkey and Iran’s shelling of civilian areas

A joint delegation of MPs from the Peshmerga, Interior and Relations committees on 4, 5 and 6 July visited the border areas of Erbil, Slemani and Duhok to see for themselves the damage caused by Turkey and Iran’s military campaigns inside Kurdistan Region.

The MPs met administrative officials of the affected areas and discussed the data on the human and financial cost of the bombings. 

Based on their findings, the MPs will prepare a joint report on Turkey’s and Iran’s shelling inside Kurdistan Region’s borders that have killed and injured civilians and damaged villages. They will submit the report to Parliament’s Presidency and the relevant institutions.