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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with Iran’s Consul General Nasrollah Rashnoudi

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 13 July welcomed the Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Erbil, Nasrollah Rashnoudi. They discussed relations between Kurdistan Region and Baghdad, recent movements by ISIS, and the importance of the reform process in Kurdistan. Deputy Speaker Hawrami gave Parliament's official position on the recent military attacks inside Kurdistan's borders. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the Reform Law that was passed by the Kurdistan Parliament in January this year is part of a wider policy of reforms that the Kurdistan Regional Government wants to carry out in all sectors, in order to achieve more social justice, fairness and equality.

Regarding relations between Kurdistan and Baghdad and the increase in ISIS movements, Mr. Hawrami said that Kurdistan's strategy is to reach an agreement with Baghdad according to the Constitution and Article 140, as this would be in the interests of all Iraqis and would help to reduce ISIS’s activities especially in the disputed areas.

Consul General Nasrollah expressed Iran’s support for resolving the outstanding issues between Kurdistan Region and Baghdad through dialogue and mutual understanding.

The Deputy Speaker and Consul General also discussed the situation inside Kurdistan's border areas which have been hit by Turkey's and Iran's military campaigns against the PKK and PJAK. Mr. Hawrami presented Kurdistan Parliament’s official position on the matter. Read the official statements by Kurdistan Parliament’s Presidency and Parliament’s Relations Committee on Turkey’s and Iran’s recent military attacks inside Kurdistan Region’s borders.