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Deputy Speaker Hawrami meets with South Korea’s Consul General Kwang-jin Choi

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 19 July met with South Korea’s Consul General to Erbil, Mr Kwang-jin Choi. On behalf of the Kurdistan Parliament, the Deputy Speaker thanked the government and people of South Korea for their humanitarian, economic and investment support to Kurdistan. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Korean companies on completing the 300 MW power generation plant in Khabat, Erbil. He said he hopes that the close bilateral relationship will continue, and he asked Consul General Choi to encourage South Korean companies to invest more in Kurdistan. 

Mr. Hawrami and Mr. Choi spoke about the current state of the Coronavirus outbreak, the economic crisis, the implementation of the Reform Law, Kurdistan's border problems with neighboring countries, and relations between Kurdistan Region and Baghdad.

Consul General Choi commended the government and the Kurdistan Parliament for its measures and policies to contain the Coronavirus, and on beginning the reform process. 

Mr. Choi said that South Korea supports dialogue between Kurdistan Region and Baghdad to resolve the outstanding issues within the framework of the Iraqi constitution.