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Parliament's Presidency congratulate Gorran Movement on 11th anniversary

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and the Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 25 July congratulated Gorran, the Change Movement party, on their 11th anniversary. They conveyed the following messages of best wishes:

We extend our warm congratulations to the leadership and members of the Change Movement, and we hope that your political movement will continue your work and will be even more effective in the future. We remember and honour your former leader, the late Nawshirwan Mustafa Amin, who was the intellectual and political driving force of the Movement and was an important figure in the Kurdish people's struggle for freedom.

The Change Movement as a political party has been very active in Parliament, is a key partner in the Kurdistan Regional Government coalition, and has always been determined to improve parliamentary and government affairs and institutional work in Kurdistan. We hope that this occasion will be an opportunity for the political forces in Kurdistan to come closer together, and to start a dialogue between all political parties, in order to break down the barriers to progress and to solve political and economic crises.

Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament

25 July 2020