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Announcement by Parliament's Presidency on Coronavirus cases among Parliament staff

After learning that a Parliament employee had contracted the Coronavirus, Parliament’s Presidency decided to request Coronavirus tests for all Members of Parliament and staff. On 9 June several teams from the Ministry of Health came to Parliament and tested MPs and staff. Unfortunately, several persons tested positive for the virus, the detail of which will be announced by the Ministry of Health.

In light of this, Parliament’s Presidency decided to close Parliament for two weeks and has asked all Parliament employees and MPs to follow the preventive measures, and to go into quarantine if required.

Parliament staff and MPs who have not yet had the Coronavirus test will be asked to have the test as soon as possible through the government health authorities. 

Once again, we ask everyone in Kurdistan Region to follow the measures to protect themselves and others from the Coronavirus.

Presidency of the Kurdistan Parliament
10 June 2020