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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Greece’s Consul General Costopoulos discuss latest developments

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 7 June met with Greece’s Consul General Efthymios Costopoulos, to discuss Parliament’s work and the latest developments in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Three MPs from Parliament’s Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee also took part in the meeting: the Chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), Balen Ismail Haji (Change Movement), and Muhammad Elkhani (Turkmen Development Party).

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Parliament’s current priority is the public’s economic and health situation, in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic, the oil price fall and other economic pressures.

The Deputy Speaker said that in the past 10 days the number of patients who have died from Coronavirus has risen, and there are fears that the number of cases may increase rapidly.

He added that containing the spread of the virus depends on the public’s willingness to follow protective health measures.

To improve finances, Kurdistan Region needs to implement the Reform Law, increase non-oil revenues and ensure that taxes are paid.

On Kurdistan Region’s relations with Baghdad, Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Kurdistan supports Iraq’s new Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and his government, and hopes to resolve the financial and other outstanding issues.

The US and Iraq will soon hold a serious of talks, called the strategic dialogue, and the Deputy Speaker said that it is crucial for Kurdistan Region to be within the framework of the dialogue.

With increased attacks and activities by ISIS especially in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area, Kurdistan-Iraq security coordination and the continued support of international coalition forces is essential, he said.

The MPs and Consul General Costopoulos also discussed the plight of Kurdistani migrants in Greece, some of whom are in migrant camps in difficult conditions. The MPs asked for more meetings on the issue.