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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami congratulates Patriotic Union of Kurdistan on 45th anniversary

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 31 May congratulated the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) on their 45th anniversary, in the following message:

On the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, I extend my warmest congratulations to our friends in the PUK and wish them success. 

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan is an effective force in Kurdistan's political arena, and together with the Kurdistan Democratic Party and other parties, they have been able to gain more rights for the people of Kurdistan through united action.

At this difficult stage, due to the consequences of the Coronavirus, the regional situation and the recurrence of terrorism in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area, Kurdistan is facing a series of challenges. Only unity can bring us out of this challenging phase.

Implementation of the Reform Law is an important part of the reform process, and cooperation and partnership between all parties will guarantee the process.

Congratulations again, I wish you continued success.

Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament