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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami speaks in webinar on Erbil-Baghdad budget crisis

The Deputy Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Hemin Hawrami on 22 May spoke in a panel discussion webinar on the Erbil-Baghdad budget crisis, organized by the Institute of Regional and International Studies (IRIS) of the American University of Iraq – Sulaimani.

The panel speakers discussed the state of relations between Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi Federal Government.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Kurdistan Region wants to resolve disagreements and problems with Baghdad through dialogue and according to the Iraqi Constitution. These unresolved issues include Kurdistan’s financial rights and the failure to implement Article 140 of the Constitution.

The Coronavirus pandemic and falling oil prices have harmed the economies of Iraq and Kurdistan Region, Mr. Hawrami said.

The Deputy Speaker warned of the risk of ISIS terrorist organization re-emerging, saying that the threat is growing day by day. This makes coordination between Kurdistan and Baghdad so important.

The panel speakers were Maria Fantappie of the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, political analyst Hiwa Osman, and IRIS Senior Fellow Ahmed Tabaqchali. The webinar moderator was IRIS Director, Mac Skelton.

The webinar is available to watch here: