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Committee on Protection of Women's Rights conveys message of its priorities on International Womens Day 2020

On International Women’s Day 2020, Kurdistan Parliament’s Committee on Protection of Women's Rights Committee a statement. The summary of the statement is as follows.

March 8th is the day of women's struggle and sacrifices to achieve equality and justice between men and women. On this day, we declare that defending the legitimate rights of women and incorporating them into law is one of our main tasks. We in the Kurdistan Parliament believe in humanist principles and oppose any kind of violence against women.

Our committee works on the following areas to lay a solid groundwork for achieving more women's rights:

-  Establishing coordination between government agencies on women's issues.

- Encouraging and supporting the establishment of women's studies units in education and higher education institutions.

- Building a spirit of peaceful coexistence and respect for personal freedom.

- Non-involvement of women's issues with political, personal, and party interests.

- Emphasis on joint activities with the Ministry of Culture on women's issues.

On this occasion, we thank all the women and civil society organizations in Kurdistan that have played a key role in women's rights and social equality. We also commend the men who strive for equality of women and men in all fields.

Protection of Women's Rights Committee

Kurdistan Parliament

7 March 2020