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Parliament’s committees condemn attack on journalist in Penjwin

Three committees of the Kurdistan Parliament on 27 and 28 March condemned the attack on journalist Adnan Rashid by unknown armed assailants at his home in Penjwin on 11 March, and called for the perpetrators to be found and brought to justice.

The Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights Committee condemned the attack on Adnan Rashid in front of his family and children at home, and declared that they condemn any such incidents. The committee called on the security and relevant authorities to carry out their duty to find and arrest the perpetrators, bring them to justice and put the rule of law above all else.

The committee stated that they will ask the Kurdistan Region Independent Human Rights Commission to look in detail into the incident.

Parliament’s Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee also condemned the attack on journalist Adnan Rashid, calling it a threat against and contempt of freedom of journalism in Kurdistan Region. The committee called on the assailants to be brought to justice.

The Protection of Women’s Rights Committee stated that the attack was traumatising and an assault on his wife and children who witnessed it. They called for the rule of law to prevail and for the relevant security and other KRG authorities and the Independent Human Rights Commission to investigate the attack.