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Parliament sends best wishes to Assyrians, Chaldeans and Syriacs for Akitu New Year

The Kurdistan Parliament Speaker, Deputy Speaker and the Religious Affairs and Endowments Committee on 31 March gave their best wishes to Assyrians, Chaldeans and Syriacs in Kurdistan and around the world for the Akitu New Year.

Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq expressed her hope that this Akitu brings happiness and prosperity to the people of Kurdistan and an end to the Coronavirus pandemic that has become a scourge on the world.

The Christians in Kurdistan were in the revolution and uprisings with the Kurdish people and took part in the Peshmerga resistance, Speaker Faiq stated, and they have had a vital role in nurturing the culture of peaceful coexistence between all communities.

Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami stated that Kurdistan Region is proud of the peaceful coexistence and respect for differences that prevails and is protected here. He hoped that the Akitu New Year brings peace to all Iraq and to all people. Kurdistan Region is an island of peace surrounded by intolerance in the region, he stated, and we must all work to protect this coexistence.

The Religious Affairs and Endowments Committee thanked healthcare staff, the Peshmerga, security forces and all frontline workers for their work to contain the Coronavirus. They asked people to celebrate Akitu at home with their household to comply with the lockdown measures.