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Speaker Rewas Faiq’s message on the 29th anniversary of the 1991 Kurdish Uprising

On the 29th anniversary of the Kurdish Uprising of 1991, the Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament sent the following congratulatory message to the people of Kurdistan:

On the 29th anniversary of the great uprising of the Kurdish nation in 1991, I extend my warmest congratulations to the people of Kurdistan, and I honour those who gave their lives in this uprising.

This great occasion has a special place in our nation’s contemporary history, and was a turning point in our nation's struggle for liberation.

The era before the Uprising was that of Genocide, the Anfal and the destruction of Kurdistan, and the era that followed has been one of national salvation, reconstruction and the founding of democratic institutions based on justice and peaceful coexistence.

The national uprising disrupted the Ba'ath regime’s campaign to annihilate our nation.

The post-uprising era was so important that it laid the foundations of our fundamental institutions, such as the parliament, government, and governmental institutions.

For 29 years we have strived to follow the principles of democracy and human rights in our policies and actions, which has gained recognition from the international community.

The Kurds have their own history, identity, and culture, and the ability to govern.

We hope that this commemoration will continue for generations to come.

Dr. Rewaz Faiq

Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament