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Committees’ recent meetings – 31 May 2020

A summary of the Kurdistan Parliament's committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

18 May – The committee held their regular meeting, led by chair Dr. Sabah Zebari (KDP). Dr. Zebari thanked the committee members for continuing their responsibilities throughout the current Coronavirus outbreak. He said that the High Committee on Combating the Coronavirus and the Health and Interior ministries had taken good, appropriate measures to contain the spread of the virus.

The MPs discussed the second wave of Coronavirus cases and decided to formally ask the High Committee on Combating the Coronavirus to retighten the lockdown measures for the coming Eid-Al Fitr holidays, and to call on the public to protect themselves and keep away from busy places, as the virus has not been eliminated.

Dr. Zebari recommended that the committee look into how students’ exams halls will be organized, to ensure that students and teachers are protected in the exams period.  

Martyrs Affairs, Genocide and Political Prisoners Committee

18 May – The committee, led by the chair Sawsan Muhammad Mirkhan (KDP), discussed demanding from the Iraqi federal government the financial rights of families of martyrs and survivors of the Anfal and other genocidal campaigns. They also decided to call for meetings with Martyrs and Genocide Ministry officials responsible for implementing the Reform Law’s provisions, and for dealing with the problems of former political prisoners.

The committee decided to ask Parliament’s Presidency to look into visiting countries that have suffered genocide, to learn from their experiences, to build ties with them and specialized international NGOs, and to lobby internationally on the Kurdish genocide.

The committee called on mosques to talk about the Anfal campaign of genocide against the Kurds in their Friday sermons. In the face of Baghdad withholding Kurdistan’s share of the budget, they also called on the Kurdistan Regional Government to spend some of its income on martyrs’ families.

The MPs decided that after the Eid al-Fitr holidays they will meet with the martyrs and political prisoners offices of each governorate.

They also decided that once the Coronavirus pandemic is contained or eliminated, they will visit Baghdad to demand that the Iraqi federal government fulfills its legal financial obligations towards the families and survivors of Anfal and other genocidal campaigns, and towards the victims of the war against ISIS.  

Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee

18 May – The committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolamari (KDP), held their usual meeting.

They discussed the very hard financial situation facing teachers caused by the delay in paying their salaries, and they stressed their full support for teachers’ demands. The MPs said that they will do their utmost to ensure that teachers’ rights are fulfilled. They said that any gathering or protest should be peaceful and non-violent.

They decided to coordinate with Parliament’s Health Committee to visit students’ final exams halls, to check the measures that will be put in place to protect students and teachers from Coronavirus during the exams.

The committee replied to the notes and complaints sent to them, and referred some to the relevant authorities for their response.                  

Municipalities, Transport, Communication, Travel and Tourism Committee

18 May – The committee, led by the vice-chair Rizgar Issa Swar (KDP), met with Erbil Governor Dr. Firsat Sofi and other governorate officials at their officers, to discuss Erbil governorate’s policies and future plans.

The MPs thanked Erbil and all of Kurdistan’s governorates for helping to protect the public through their measures to contain the Coronavirus outbreak. They asked about Erbil’s current work and future plans, and also raised some demands and complaints from the public.

Governor Firsat Sofi discussed plans for water and electricity provision, efforts to increase green spaces and recycling, control urban rubbish sites, and work in other areas, and said that due to the Coronavirus outbreak the governorate authorities have been forced to delay the work.

Dr. Sofi said, “In the culture sector, we have many plans and much work to carry out and to help the city of Erbil. Our dream is that planting trees will become a custom and common practice in our governorate, and that every citizen will plant a tree to celebrate or commemorate an occasion. So that the amount of greenery and trees in towns meets the standards.”

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

19 May – The committee, led by the co-chair Bahjat Ali Spindari (KDP), held their regular meeting. They discussed the planned investment projects for 2020 shown to the committee by the Investment Board. They decided to formally ask the Reconstruction and Housing Ministry for its policies and plans.

The committee replied to the notes and complaints sent to them.