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Deputy Speaker Hawrami and France's Consul General Decottignies discuss political and economic developments

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 10 May met with France’s Consul General to Kurdistan Region Olivier Decottignies, and discussed the latest political and economic developments in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Consul General Decottignies both said that they were glad to see a stabilization in the number of Coronavirus cases in Kurdistan Region, and that very few cases had been in a serious condition.

Mr. Hawrami and Mr. Decottignies discussed the economic impact of the Coronavirus outbreak, the decline in the oil price and the Iraqi government’s decision to stop paying the salaries of Kurdistan’s public employees.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that the Iraqi government’s decision to completely stop paying the salaries of Kurdistan’s public employees was political. Talks between the KRG and Baghdad are ongoing he said, and there are hopes for a solution.

The Deputy Speaker said that the priority was to pay the salaries of public employees, as much as possible within Kurdistan Region’s means. Kurdistan Region will press ahead with its reform and economic diversification agenda, he added.

They also discussed the formation of the new Iraqi government under the leadership of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami explained that the Coronavirus outbreak had created delays to parliament’s legislative work, so currently a draft resolution is underway to exceptionally extend for 30 days the deadline that MPs can submit legislative proposals. The draft resolution has had its first and second reading, the third reading and vote is expected soon.