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Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami thanks Germany's outgoing Consul General Barbara Wolf

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 18 May thanked Germany's departing Consul General Ms. Barbara Wolf for her support and friendship with Kurdistan Region. Mr. Hawrami and Ms. Wolf discussed the Coronavirus containment measures, ISIS movements, and the political developments in Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

Consul General Wolf commended Kurdistan Region for beginning the Coronavirus lockdown promptly, which helped to contain the number of cases. Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Ms. Wolf said that both of their countries' governments face the challenge of deciding when and how much to ease lockdown measures and travel restrictions, due to the risk of cases rising again. 

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that Kurdistan Region supports Iraq's new Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, and the Kurdistan Regional Government is in dialogue with the Iraqi government on the outstanding issues. He hoped that the Iraqi Federal Government will pay Kurdistan's public employees their salaries.

Mr. Hawrami added that the Coronavirus pandemic and the drop in the oil price have had a severe impact on Kurdistan's economy, and it would take time to recover.

The Deputy Speaker said that there is great concern about ISIS's increased movements and attacks in some areas of Iraq, including the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area such as Kirkuk. He asked that Germany and the other members of the International Coalition Forces maintain their presence and support in Iraq, due to the great risk of ISIS returning. 

Ms. Wolf said that Kurdish unity is very important to Germany, as well as the Iraqi people's aspirations and freedom of expression. She said that reforms are necessary.