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Parliament’s Presidency congratulates workers on International Labour Day

Kurdistan Parliament Speaker Dr. Rewas Faiq and Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 1 May conveyed their best wishes to workers in Kurdistan Region and around the world on International Labour Day.

In her message, Speaker Faiq stated that workers are the backbone of development and progress of any nation, and that we are proud of the efforts and achievements of the workers of Kurdistan.

We fully support workers’ demands and their struggle for their rights, she stated. The Coronavirus outbreak has caused great suffering and hardship to workers around the world who are not able to work due to lockdowns, and has a direct impact on their financial means.

Speaker Faiq noted that unlike some countries who are providing financial support to those who cannot work due to the Coronavirus, Kurdistan Region and Iraq have not been able to do so. She called on companies to compensate workers for the period that they have been unable to work.

Kurdistan Parliament, she added, has a responsibility to re-examine and improve legislation on workers’ rights and unemployment.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Kurdistan’s and the world’s workers, stating in his message that they are the backbone of progress and development in any society.

The Coronavirus outbreak has caused great suffering to workers in Kurdistan Region and the world who are unable to work, Deputy Speaker Hawrami stated, and unfortunately at the same time the Iraqi Federal Government has decided once again to completely violate Kurdistan Region’s constitutional and legal rights by halting the budget. Using this strategy as a political weapon and stopping government employees’ salaries and citizens’ benefits is intended to put political pressure on the people and government of Kurdistan Region, he stated.

To improve workers’ means and living standards, the Kurdistan Parliament will present draft legislation on workers’ rights, benefits and pensions. Parliament is also discussing with relevant authorities ways to relieve the financial pressure on those unable to work due to the Coronavirus outbreak.