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Parliament's Health Committee conveys best wishes on International Nurses Day, calls for better livelihoods and training

Message from Kurdistan Parliament's Committee for Health, Environment, and Consumer Rights on International Nurses Day:

On International Nurses Day, we congratulate nurses in Kurdistan and around the world. This year, we celebrate the day when the outbreak of the Coronavirus has affected most countries of the world, including Kurdistan.

In these difficult times, nurses carry the heavy responsibility of protecting patients' lives, and they have served them with compassion. Some of these nurses even contracted the virus while serving their patients, but fortunately recovered and returned to work.

We call on the Kurdistan Regional Government to make serious efforts to improve the livelihoods of nurses, within the framework of the law. 

We also call on both the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Health to provide appropriate education and training opportunities for nurses in Kurdistan.

Committee for Health, Environment, and Consumer Rights

12 May 2020