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Committees' recent meetings - 10 November 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament's committees' recent meetings and activities:

Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee

9 November - the Committee, led by the chair Shakhawan Rauf Mustafa (Change), held their regular meeting.

All of the reports and notes sent to the committee were read and received a response, need more follow-up by the committee or were directed to Parliament’s Presidency for further work.

The committee’s planned visits were discussed. The MPs decided to visit Duhok, to meet with the Police Directorate and follow up the case of prisoners and detainees in Badinan. They decided to call for more coordination between their committee and Duhok Governorate.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

9 November- Members of the committee, led by the vice-chair Mala Ihsan Rekani (KDP) went to Koya District and met with the mayor, branches of the Kurdistan Islamic Religious Scholars Union, and the Endowments Directorate.

The current situation in Kurdistan Region, the role and work of religious scholars in raising community awareness of issues, preventing political conflict and defamation, and adhering to the guidelines and instructions of the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs of the Kurdistan Region were discussed.

The committee members received several requests and suggestions on how to develop religious affairs in Koya district. The MPs pledged to work on the proposals, and underlined the need for continuous cooperation between religious institutions and related bodies, in order to help religious scholars.

The delegation also visited the district church and discussed with the representative of the Christian community the state of peaceful religious coexistence between different communities in Koya, which is a fine example of religious coexistence in Erbil province and embodies the message of forgiveness, love and coexistence.

The committee is scheduled to visit more religious institutions in Kurdistan Region to understand their demands and raise them with the relevant authorities.

Committee on Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights

9 November - Members of the committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), visited homes for the elderly and minors, and the Erbil directorate of social welfare, to follow up on their needs and problems.

On the MPs’ visit to the home for the elderly, the MPs were warmly welcomed by the manager Kamaran Tofiq.

The problems of the carers, activities and services for the elderly were explained, especially in light of the current financial crisis and Coronavirus pandemic. Several proposals and requests were submitted to the committee, who expressed their support for helping to achieve them.

The delegation visited all parts of the home for the elderly – the areas for women, men and persons with disabilities – to understand the health situation and service provision.

The MPs were glad to see that despite the current difficulties, life in the homes is going well thanks to the management and services teams, philanthropists, donations, and the Barzani Charity Foundation.

Then the delegation visited Erbil Directorate of Social Welfare and met with Sheikh Zayto, the director of Erbil social welfare department’s homes for girls and boys (minors).

Mr. Hakari MP said that the aim of their visit was to understand the problems and needs of social care homes.

Mr. Sheikh Zayto explained the challenges in homes for the elderly and minors, and said that the staff provide the residents’ education and needs, with help from charity organisations and individuals.

Mr. Sheikh Zayto said, "During this financial crisis and Coronavirus pandemic, carers and staff at homes for girls, boys and the elderly have continued their work in earnest.”

The MPs visited the children’s homes to hear the demands and problems of the children. They commended the management’s good service provision in the homes.