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Committees' recent meetings - 17 November 2020

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

16 November - The committee, led by the chair Hawre Mala Star (PUK), held their regular meeting.

The committee's plan of work was discussed, including the visits and follow-up for this January. They also talked about the problems with the roads in the villages of Hanjira, Kani Goran, Kani Smaila, Khalidan and Ibrahim Zawa in the border areas of Slemani governorate.

The MPs decided to meet again with the Head of the Investment Board to follow up on the problems with housing units in Kalar.

It was also decided that the Investors Union and representatives from the Investment Board and the housing bank should meet with the committee to discuss the importance of the government and companies repaying their debts.

All of the reports and notes sent to the committee were read and discussed, and received a response or were directed to Parliament’s presidency for further work.

Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee

16 November - Members of the committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolarami (KDP) visited Salahaddin University and were met by the president, his staff and the director of the university's dormitories.

The discussions covered problems with the education process, the dangers posed by Coronavirus, the health of teachers and students, and the failure to allocate dormitories to students even though their studies have started. Dr. Ahmed Dezayi, said that Salahaddin University has decided to open dormitories to students at the beginning of December with protective measures in place.

Dr. Dezayi and the dormitory supervisors explained the problems that prevented dormitories from opening, such as the large number of students and the lack of health centres in dormitories, and they assured the committee that they will be opened by the start of December.

Higher education teaching staff's livelihoods and the health situation in colleges were assessed, and both sides emphasized the importance of students' and teachers’ protection and health.

16 November- On the same day, members of the committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolarami (KDP) welcomed the Head of the Council of the Ministry of Higher Education and his team.

The ministry's staff explained the financial problems that have prevented the opening of some student dormitories in Erbil and Slemani governorates, as well as the need to contain the spread of Coronavirus among academics and students.

Regarding the problems of two private institutions, Stratford and Ostrava Technical universities, ministry officials emphasized that they will look for solutions that will minimize the impact on students and staff.

The MPs and the ministry agreed on the importance of such meetings to look into and solve higher education problems and improve the level of students’ knowledge and abilities.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

16 November - The Committee, led by the chair Salma Fatih Tawfiq (PUK), held their regular meeting.

The agenda of the meeting was to discuss the welfare and problems of young people in the Kurdistan Region, unemployment, and youth emigration.

The members of the committee presented their notes on the problems of young people and emphasized the need to help the youth of Kurdistan Region to have better lives and to put their abilities and knowledge to good use.

The MPs decided to form a sub-committee to prepare a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative report on the situation of young people in Kurdistan Region and send it to relevant actors and authorities. The committee will ask for the report to be discussed and debated at a Parliament sitting.

Protection of Women's Rights Committee

16 November - The Committee, led by the chair Lanja Dizayee (KDP), held their regular meeting.

The first item on the agenda was to follow up on carrying out the committee’s previous decisions.

The MPs discussed preparing a report on the implementation and enforcement of existing laws that relate to women and women’s rights in the Kurdistan Region.

The committee also discussed how to sett up a good mechanism to study the suggestions and research submitted by women's organizations.