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Committees’ recent meetings – 28 November 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament’s committees’ recent meetings:

Committee on Kurdistani Areas outside KRG Administrative Area

24 November - To discuss some important issues related to the committee's work, the Committee met, led by the chair Jiwan Rojbayani (KDP).

The MPs discussed a proposal to recognize as acts of genocide the crimes perpetrated by ISIS in the Kurdistani areas outside the KRG administrative area; the Government is expected to give Parliament a draft bill to work on. 

The committee reviewed their meetings with Kurdish parties in Kirkuk and plant to meet with them again soon.

The reports and notes sent to the committee by the public were read and received responses or were directed to Parliament’s presidency for further follow-up.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

24 November - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), held their weekly meeting.

The main topic of the meeting was Kurdistani citizens buying Dominican nationality, the island countries that sell nationality and the money that flows out of Kurdistan through this practice.

The committee decided to visit the ministry and the relevant authorities on the issue, and gather information to understand how this practice operates and which is damaging to Kurdistan’s economy and security. 

Peshmerga Committee

24 November - The committee, led by the chair Reving Heruri KDP), held their usual meeting.

The meeting focused on the ongoing review of the Peshmerga, which aims to equalize and reorganize the forces in a fair way without negatively impacting their lives. The MPs decided to form a sub-committee to investigate the issue.

The MPs also discussed their recent meetings in Duhok governorate, and agreed that more of such visits and investigations are needed particularly to understand the needs of Peshmerga forces in the winter season.

Each committee member made suggestions about the committee's future plan of work.

All of the notes sent to the committee by Parliament’s presidency were read and discussed.

Legislative Committee

24 November - The committee, led by deputy chair Abbas Fatah (PUK), held their usual meeting.

The MPs discussed setting up a mechanism for more cooperation between their committee and the KRG’s institutions, and they decided to arrange meetings with the relevant bodies soon.

Parliament Affairs and Complaints Committee

24 November - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Esmail Sgery (KIU), held their regular meeting.

The MPs discussed the services at parliamentarians’ accommodation in Erbil, in Naz City apartments and Italian Village, and decided to meet with the residences’ administration.

The committee believe that the Parliament’s Diwan (head of Parliament’s administration) should look into the services of these residences for MPs and ensure that they are run properly.

All of the notes and requests sent to the committee were read and directed to the relevant departments for follow-up.  

Medicines Subcommittee

24 November – The medicines subcommittee, which is part of the Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee, held a meeting led by their chair Zana Mala Khalid (KDP).

They discussed their recommendations to the Kurdistan Regional Government on how to improve and reorganize the medicines sector.

The MPs decided to arrange meetings with all the relevant authorities in order to draft legislation to establish a food and medicines organization in Kurdistan Region.

The committee also decided to visit some large medicines producers.