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Committees’ recent meetings – 7 November 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees' latest meetings and activities:

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

2 November- The committee, led by the chair Dr. Sabah Zebari (KDP) at their regular meeting discussed the health situation in Kurdistan Region in general, the latest status in the Coronavirus pandemic, and the rise in the Coronavirus infection and mortality rates.

After exchanging views, the MPs decided to meet with the KRG Minister of Health soon for an update on the health situation, self-protection measures, and the KRG’s plan for preventing further increases of the infection and mortality rates.

The MPs also discussed regulations on government employees' leave for childcare. Some employees have children with special needs or long-term health conditions but are not included in the regulations. The committee decided to visit the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to look into changing the regulations.

3 November – Members of the committee, led by the vice-chair Dr. Shayan Askari (Change Movement) met with the KRG Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Kwestan Muhammad.

The Minister noted that approval has been granted for the opening of a centre that will determine the number of people with disabilities.

The committee called for changes to some regulations on leave for childcare to include government employees on contracts. They asked that childcare leave be given to those contract employees who cannot work because their children have special needs or long-term health conditions.

The Minister of Labour and Social Affairs stated: "In cooperation with the relevant ministries, we will work on changing these regulations.”

The committee and the ministry agreed to hold more meetings in the future.

Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights

2 November - Members of the committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition) visited the Erbil directorate responsible for persons with special needs and disabilities, and for homes for the elderly and minors, to follow up on their problems.

The committee is looking into whether new laws should be passed or current laws amended.

Another subject of the meeting was the activities and responsibilities of all the directorates for persons with special needs, disabilities, nurseries, and home for the elderly and minors.

The problems facing low-income families within the general directorate's geographic area of coverage were discussed. Thirty thousand (30,000) families who do not receive a salary are being helped by charities and local and international community organizations, who have been able to prevent the elderly from being left on the streets.

3 November - The committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition) held their regular meeting to discuss addressing prison inmates’ problems and visiting the Judicial Council and the prosecutor.

Their meeting covered the following subjects:

  1. The committee’s planned visit to the Head of Erbil Court of Appeal to look into the postponement of cases at the investigative court due to the absence of lawyers and witnesses. The postponement was supposed to be for six months, but according to the committee's follow-up, some cases have been postponed for more than a year.
  2. Visiting the Judicial Council and the prosecutor, and conditions for inmates.
  3. Ongoing visits to the general directorates for monitoring and development of social affairs, to help resolve the public’s problem and requests.
  4. Following up the cases of prison inmates at Duhok Governorate’s border. The MPs suggested working with Parliament’s Interior, Security and Local Councils Committee to consolidate their reports into one and submit it to Parliament’s Presidency.

Finance and Economic Affairs Committee

2 November - The committee held their regular meeting, led by the chair Ziyad Jabbar (PUK).

The MPs discussed preparing a report on implementation of the Reform Law (Law No. 2 of 2020 - on Reform of Salaries, Allowances, Benefits, Privileges and Pensions in Kurdistan Region). The committee suggested sending their report to Parliament’s other standing committees, so that they can also work on their own reports on the Reform Law’s implementation.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

2 November – Members of the committee, led by the Rapporteur Mala Waisi (KDP), visited Jabbar Mustafa, the new head of the Landmine Action Agency.

The committee wished Mr. Mustafa success in his duties and discussed the agency’s vital work of clearing Kurdistan from landmines.  

They focused on raising awareness of the dangers of landmines and how to avoid them, by discussing them at Friday sermons in mosques. They also discussed the rights, allowances and benefits of landmine clearance employees and their families, and their retirement, contracts, and disability pay. They agreed to coordinate on any related issues and projects that will protect the public and landmine clearance workers in Kurdistan Region

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

2 November – The chair of the committee Salma Fatih (PUK) took part in an open seminar in Slemani on civil society organisations, which was arranged by Future Organisation and Civil Development Organisation.

The participating civil society organisations discussed the challenges to their work. Ms Fatih said that their work is important: "Civil society organizations pay a great service to different segments of society, in terms of developing volunteering, co-operation and culture among individuals and communities."

The participants asked Ms. Tawfiq to request that civil society groups’ work and challenges should be put on the agenda of a Parliament sitting.

Ms Fatih as chair of the committee promised to send a report on civil society organizations’ problems to Parliament’s Presidency, and after meeting with civil society groups in the other governorates, to schedule the subject for discussion at a Parliament sitting.

Education, Higher Education, and Scientific Research Committee

3 November- The committee, led by the chair Abdusalam Dolarami (KDP), welcomed members of the Kurdistan Teachers Union led by its head Ahmad Sabir.

Some important education issues, problems with the education process, the dangers of the Coronavirus and the safety of teachers and students were discussed.

The Teachers Union members made several requests and the committee pledged to do all they can to help.

Both sides emphasized the importance of such meetings and decided to continue their cooperation and try to solve the problems and shortcomings.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

3 November - The committee, led by the chair Dr. Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), held their regular meeting.

MPs discussed monitoring the work and problems facing the KRG’s representation offices abroad.

The committee decided to arrange a meeting with the KRG Department of Foreign Relations soon to discuss the KRG representations abroad.

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

3 November - The delegation, led by the vice-chair Bahjat Spindari (KDP), visited the main road between Erbil and Duhok.

The purpose of the visit was to follow up on the work of the Gopal-Erbil Road Project implemented by Hemin Group Company, whose staff accompanied the MPs on the field visit.

The company’s executive staff promised the delegation that the project would be completed by the end of 2020.