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Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulates Yazidis on election of new spiritual leader Baba Sheikh Ali Elias

On the election of Ali, the son of former Baba Sheikh Elias, as the new Baba Sheikh (spiritual leader), I warmly congratulate him as well as the Yazidi Mir, the Yazidi Spiritual Council and all Yazidi Kurds.

I hope that the election of the new Baba Sheikh will be a force for greater consensus between the Yazidi Kurds.

Kurdistan is a place of peace and co-existence, and the Yazidis are an important and prominent part of Kurdistan’s social structure. We hope that the new Baba Sheikh will play an effective role in Kurdistan’s society.

I wish the Yazidi Kurds and all the people of Kurdistan success and prosperity.

Hemen Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament

19 November 2020