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Deputy Speaker Hawrami’s statement on PKK's attacks on Peshmerga forces

4 November 2020 - We condemn the PKK's attacks on Peshmerga forces and call on the PKK to stop continuous violations, attacks and assaults on the territory and people of the Kurdistan Region, and to stop making themselves into a problem for the constitutional status and the people of Kurdistan.

The PKK's attack on Kurdistan’s Peshmerga forces - the only legitimate and constitutional force in the Kurdistan Region - is evidence that the PKK will never stop its attempts to destroy the spirit of brotherhood, harmony and unity of the Kurdistani people, nor subjecting them to their logic of attacks.

The people of Kurdistan Region and our legitimate institutions have always reiterated that the PKK should not export problems to the Kurdistan Region's territory and should not provide pretexts for neighbouring countries, but the PKK's problem-making and adventurism will never come to an end. Instead of responding positively to the legitimate institutions and forces of Kurdistan, they are attacking the Peshmerga.

My deepest sympathy goes out to the families of the Peshmerga who were martyred on 4th November, God rest their souls, and I hope for the speedy recovery of the injured.

At this time when the Kurdistan Region is working to solve economic and health crises and maintain unity and harmony between political parties, it is the responsibility of all political parties to protect the people, constitutional status and territorial integrity of the Kurdistan Region.

Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

4 November 2020