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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes delegation from North Kurdistan

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 22 November welcomed a delegation from North Kurdistan, led by Ibrahim Güçlü. Parliament Secretary Muna Kahveci and MP Janan Jabar (National Union Coalition) also met with the delegation.

The delegation represents politicians, writers, activists and intellectuals from North Kurdistan. Mr. Güçlü said, “Kurds in all four parts of Kurdistan are happy to see that there is a Kurdistan Parliament. We are pleased to see that in Kurdistan Region, the Parliament and other constitutional institutions are flourishing. All political forces outside Kurdistan Region should respect its sovereignty and should not use it as a base and thereby give neighboring countries’ forces a motive to reenter.”

The delegation said that they hope Kurdish movements from other parts of Kurdistan will struggle for their political and social rights through peaceful, non-violent means.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said, "The Kurdistan Region has its own constitutional, legal and sovereign authority. The political forces from other parts of Kurdistan should respect the KRG’s authority within our formal borders."

He asserted that Kurdistan Region’s political leadership has banned intra-Kurdish armed conflict, but no force should abuse this principle for its own ends by constantly attacking Kurdistan Region's institutions and entities, because each part of Kurdistan is distinct.

The Deputy Speaker emphasized that Kurdistan Region’s territory should not be used to attack neighboring countries, and that Parliament supports all political and democratic efforts towards resolving problems in other parts of Kurdistan.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said that all Kurds should deal with this unfortunate situation in an honest way, and all political forces have a historic responsibility to protect the constitutional and legal institutions and existence of the Kurdistan Region, to avoid war and violence in Kurdistan Region, and avoid giving neighbouring countries pretexts to carry out military attacks in Kurdistan Region’s territory.