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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes India’s new Consul General in Kurdistan Region

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 16 November welcomed Subhash Chandra Kain, India’s new Consul General in Kurdistan Region.

With MPs Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition) and Himdad Sabah (Turkmen Front) participating in the meeting, Deputy Speaker Hawrami congratulated Mr. Kain on his new posting and hoped for closer relations between Kurdistan Region and India, especially their parliaments.

Deputy Speaker Hawrami said, "We hope that Indian investors and companies will invest in and do business with Kurdistan Region.”

Mr. Hawrami gave Consul General Kain an update of the political and economic situation in Kurdistan Region and briefed him on Parliament’s diverse ethnic and religious make-up and women’s participation guaranteed by reserved seats, the committees’ responsibilities, and Parliament's work and processes within the framework of its Internal Rules of Procedure.

Consul General Kain said that as the new representative of India in Kurdistan Region he will work on strengthening bilateral relations and encouraging India’s investors and businesses to come to Kurdistan Region. He added that many Indians live and work in Kurdistan Region freely and safely.