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Kurdistan Parliament Presidency’s statement on passage of Fiscal Deficit Coverage Law in the Iraqi Council of Representatives

12 November - We view with deep concern the latest actions of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which disregard the values of coexistence and co-operation and the principle of federalism established by the Iraqi Constitution, in passing a law on the morning of 12 November 2020 that violates the rights of the people of Kurdistan.

This step is a violation of the spirit of coexistence, runs counter to the general framework of previous agreements, and jeopardizes any progress that has brought us closer to solving the issues between Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi Federal Government on the basis of the Constitution.

We commend and thank all the Kurdistani parties in Baghdad and the representatives of the Kurdistan Region who boycotted and protestee against the vote. In cooperation with the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region, the Kurdistan Regional Government, and representatives of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq’s federal institutions, the Kurdistan Parliament will hold a sitting after consultation with the parliamentary blocks. All aspects of this event will be discussed, consensus and unity will be built and decisions will be taken, because this issue impacts the lives and livelihoods of the people of Kurdistan and resolving it is our shared duty and responsibility.

Presidency of Kurdistan Parliament

12 November 2020