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Secretary Muna Kahveci statement on PKK's attacks on Peshmerga forces

4 November – We condemn the PKK’s armed attacks on the Peshmerga forces and we reassert that the Kurdistan Region is the constitutional region of the people of Kurdistan with all our different communities, and the Peshmerga is the only legal and legitimate force in the Kurdistan Region.

Any attack on Peshmerga forces is regarded as an attack on Kurdistan Region and the Kurdistani people. To protect the people’s highest interests and the Kurdistan Region, we reject any attempt to create chaos and fratricidal conflict, and call on the PKK to respect Kurdistan Region's constitutional status, and to stop creating problems for the KRG and the people of Kurdistan Region and attempting to destroy peaceful coexistence, political harmony and unity of the parties.

It is clear to all that Kurdistan Region is facing deep economic and health crises that each day have a greater impact on our people, who cannot take the strain of more problems, complications and crises. To ensure our rights and protect the constitutional status of the Kurdistan Region, the main political forces of Kurdistan must understand that we need unity, coordination, and avoidance of attacks against each other. All the people of Kurdistan, from all our different communities, forbid fratricidal conflict which must never happen again. Any attempt to stoke such conflict is a crime against the highest interests of our nation.

 Kurdistan Parliament is encouraging political forces to take the path of dialogue and to take responsibility for peaceful initiatives, to pave the way for understanding and solutions. We call on the PKK to take its problems out of the Kurdistan Region and no longer be a threat to the Kurdistan Region and our people.

Muna Kahveci

Secretary of the Kurdistan Parliament

4 November 2020