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Speaker Faiq’s statement on protecting our national achievements and unity

While Kurdistan facing several crises, the aftermath of ISIS attacks, recession, and the Coronavirus pandemic, at such a difficult moment we need more political harmony, unity, social reconciliation and national coexistence than at any other time.

Despite enduring struggles, the people of Kurdistan are again worn down by unjust oppression by invaders, while the wounds of the Anfal campaign, the genocide in Halabja, the brutal attacks by ISIS and the civil war are remain large in our collective memory. Despite the ultimate sacrifices made by our martyrs, Kurdistan Region’s political and constitutional status and our constitutional achievements remain under threat, and Kurdistani people outside the KRG administration are waiting for situation in their areas to be normalized and for the implementation of Article 140 of the Constitution.

The disregard for Kurdistan Region’s political and constitutional status and institutions is disappointing. Instead of tensions between opposing parties, the Kurdish people expect unity and harmony, and for the parties to compromise, unite and deepen the spirit of national reconciliation.

The Kurdistan Parliament, as a legitimate constitutional institution represents the will of the Kurdish people and is their political reference, and considers any kind of intra-Kurdish conflict a crime against the highest interests of the people and the land of Kurdistan. Dialogue is the main path to easing tensions and avoiding the possibility of fratricidal war.

All must put aside party interests for the sake of the national interest and must respect the peaceful will of the Kurdish people, who view fratricidal conflict as crimes and injustices.

The conflict and tensions between the main Kurdish forces in these difficult times that Kurdistan and the world are enduring, are a great disaster and disappointment. This is a crime on which People of Kurdistan will not remain silent or tolerant. All sides must be patient at this sensitive juncture and think about Kurdistan’s interest.

Dr. Rewaz Faiq

Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament

4 November 2020