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Speaker Rewaz Faiq welcomes Ahmet Karamus, Co-President of Kurdistan National Congress

14 November- The Speaker of the Kurdistan Parliament Dr. Rewaz Faiq welcomed Ahmet Karamus, Co-President of the Kurdistan National Congress, and his delegation.

The discussion focused on the latest political developments and changes in Kurdistan Region and Iraq, and tensions between political parties.

Speaker Faiq said, “Kurdistan Region is currently in economic and political difficulties, so we think that talks and understanding are the only solution to this unfortunate situation. We always prefer the path of dialogue and we think that talks between the opposed parties should be initiated to reach a solution, prevent fratricidal war, and protect these political parties in which Kurdistanis have placed their hopes and trust”.

Ahmet Karamus thanked Speaker Faiq for expressing Parliament’s position and asked her to bring the parties together to reach an agreement, in order to protect Kurdistan’s unity and prevent a descent into fratricidal war.

The Kurdistan National Congress is a platform of Kurdish groups and parties and is based in Brussels, Belgium.