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Committees’ recent meetings – 10 October 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees' recent meetings and activities: 

Health, Environment and Consumer Rights Committee

4 October - To look into the cause of the fire on Zozik Mountain in Soran area, the vice-chair of the committee, Dr Shayan Askari (Gorran), visited Soran’s Civil Defense Directorate and met the director Colonel Emad Kaanan and the officers of the administration.

Colonel Emad explained the causes of the fire on Zozik Mountain in Soran, which destroyed large areas of grass and harmed the local environment. He also explained the shortcomings, lack of necessities and hardships in the area.

Dr. Askari then met with the Forest Police Directorate of Soran, to discuss their challenges and needs.

Committee on Social Affairs and Protection of Human Rights

4 October - The committee, led by the chair Romeo Hakari (National Union Coalition), met with the Kurdistan High Council on Thalassemia.

The head of the Council explained the problems facing thalassemia sufferers and their livelihoods and asked the committee to help them.

The committee expressed their sympathy for the challenges of thalassemia sufferers, particularly children. The MPs said they will deliver the patients’ demands to the relevant parties.

Legislative Committee

6 October - The committee, led by the chair Bizhar Kochar (KDP), held their usual meeting.

The MPs discussed the Bill on Protection of Local Products in the Kurdistan Region in order to prepare a report and direct it to Parliament’s Presidency, so that the bill can be scheduled for its second reading in the chamber.

Relations and Kurdish Diaspora Committee

6 October - The committee, led by the chair Rebwar Babkayi (KDP), visited Kuwait’s Consulate General in Erbil to give their condolences on the passing of the Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah.

The MPs and the Kuwaiti Consul General Dr. Omar Al-Kanderi said that Sheikh Sabah had improved Kuwait’s relations with the Kurdish people. Dr. Al-Kanderi thanked the committee for signing the condolence book and said that he hopes to help strengthen relations between the Kurdistan Parliament and Kuwait in the future.

Peshmerga Affairs Committee

6 October - The committee, led by the vice-chair Osman Sedari visited the Minister of Peshmerga Shoresh Ismail to look into the steps taken and progress made in implementing the Reform Law (Law No. 2 of 2020).

The MPs asked the Minister about the review of the list of retired disabled Peshmerga soldiers, soldiers’ promotion of rank, and other issues related to reform.

The MPs later met with directors and staff of the Peshmerga Ministry’s retirement directorate and discussed in detail the retirement of disabled Peshmerga soldiers.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

6 October - The committee, led by the vice-chair Mala Ihsan Rekani (KDP), attended the funeral of Sheikh Khurto Hajji Ismail (Baba Sheikh), the religious and spiritual leader of the Yazidis, to express their condolences to his family and to the Council of Yazidis.

The MPs said that Baba Sheikh will be missed for his religious guidance, his willingness to help solve problems and to champion people’s demands.

The committee asserted that Baba Sheikh’s death is a great loss, particularly at this time when Kurdistan needs humanitarians.

The family of Baba Sheikh and the Yazidi Religious Council thanked the Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee for paying their respects.

Integrity Committee

7 October - The committee, led by the chair Shirin Amin (Gorran), met with the NGO ‘Stop’ to hear about the NGO’s report on implementation of the reform process.

‘Stop’ presented their report on the measures that the KRG has taken to carry out reform.

Ms. Amin thanked Stop for their report, which she said would help the committee in their scrutiny and follow-up work.

Culture, Civil Society, Sports and Youth Committee

7 October - The committee, led by the chair Salma Fatih (PUK), met with the heads and staff of civil society organizations who spoke on behalf of civil society groups in the governorates of Erbil, Duhok, and Slemani.

The representatives gave the committee a protest note signed by more than 130 civil society organizations and activists, in which they raised their problems and complaints.

The committee chair Ms. Fatih stressed that they will support all legal efforts that help civil society organizations to carry out their remits.  She promised to make serious efforts to solve their problems by discussing them with the relevant authorities. Both sides agreed to cooperate more in the future.

Later the same day, the committee met on their own at their regular meeting to discuss at the issues raised by the civil society groups. Ms. Fatih said, “Helping to develop civil society’s role as progressive coordinators is important”, and that the committee will look further into their problems. The MPs decided to form a subcommittee to follow up on the issues.