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Committees’ recent meetings - 25 October 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees’ recent meetings and activities:

Reconstruction and Investment Committee

21 October - Members of the Committee, led by the chair Hawre Malastar (PUK), visited the Kurdistan Investment Board and met with Dr. Muhammad Shukri, the Head of the board.

Several issues were discussed, including housing units in all the governorates and independent administrations, as well as the problemmatic residential projects.

They also looked into industrial, commercial and agricultural investment projects.

On the investment project for teachers' housing units in Kalar and Kifri, Dr. Shukri pledged to investigate possible solutions to all the problems of that special case.

The MPs and Head of the Investment Board agreed to continue their coordination.

Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee

22 October -  The Committee, led by vice-chair Mala Ihsan Rekani (KDP), welcomed a delegation representing Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Al-Shirazi, led by Sheikh Ma'p'm'af Al-Ashi.

The committee appreciated the delegation’s support for the Kurdistan Regionband described their visit as important. The MPs said that the Kurdish-Shia alliance has a long history going back centuries.

The Shia representatives commended the Kurdistan political leadership‘s major role in promoting stability and political reconciliation in Iraq.

The meeting focused on solving the problems facing Iraqis, particularly the Constitutional rights of the people of Kurdistan, which the meeting participants said should not be violated under any pretext.

On religion in the Kurdistan Region, the committee clarified that all religious communities freely worship, and the right to freedom of worship is enshrined in legislation passed by the Kurdistan Parliament to ensure the rights of all citizens.

The delegation thanked the Kurdish people and authorities for hosting many thousands of IDPs from central and southern Iraq.