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Committees' recent meetings - 28 October 2020

A summary of Kurdistan Parliament committees' recent meetings and activities:

Peshmerga Committee

26 October - The committee, led by the chair Reving Heruri (KDP), held their regular meeting. The MPs made suggestions regarding how officers are promoted, and discussed a project on organizing the retirement system.  

The MPs exchanged views on the committee's  future plans and work agenda.

They also decided to form a sub-committee to investigate and visit Peshmerga training bases. 

The requests sent to the committee by the public were discussed in detail. 

Protection of Women’s Rights Committee

26 October - The committee, led by the chair Lanja Dizayee (KDP), met to follow up on their previous work and discuss the outcomes, and to prepare for the one-week campaign to Eliminate Violence against Women. The committee has started preparing for the campaign in coordination with relevant actors, including the KRG High Council on Women's Affairs.