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Deputy Speaker Hawrami: “Najmaldin Karim was always a true defender of the rights of Kurdistani people”

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemin Hawrami on 31 October conveyed his condolences on the passing of Dr. Najmaldin Karim, in the following message:

I was saddened by the passing of Dr. Najmaldin Karim, the well-known politician, academic and former governor of Kirkuk. Dr. Najmaldin Karim was always a true defender of the people of Kurdistan. He struggled for Kurdistan from his youth in Kirkuk, he participated in the Aylul Revolution with Mala Mustafa Barzani, the leader of the Kurdistan liberation movement, and was his companion while he underwent medical treatment until his death.

Najmaldin Karim continued to campaign for Kurdistan in the US with his activities at the Kurdish National Congress of North America. His stand on relinking Kirkuk to Kurdistan and standing against the occupation will go down in history.

I express my condolences to ourselves, to all supporters of an independent Kurdistan and all who follow the path towards freedom. God rest his soul.

Hemin Hawrami

Deputy Speaker of Kurdistan Parliament