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Deputy Speaker Hawrami welcomes Mir Ismat Mir Tahsin Beg

Kurdistan Parliament Deputy Speaker Hemen Hawrami on 19 October welcomed Mir Ismat Mir Tahsin Beg, son of the previous leader of the Yazidis, and his delegation.

At the meeting also attended by Yazidi MP Hedya Murad (KDP), Deputy Speaker Hawrami and Mir Ismat discussed the situation in the Kurdistan Region, relations between Erbil and Baghdad, and the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the economy and health.

The Deputy Speaker emphasized the importance of peaceful coexistence among all the religious and ethnic components of the Kurdistan Region and stated, "The Yazidi Kurds are an important pillar of Kurdistan Region and have a significant role and influence in many spheres in Kurdistan."

Mr. Hawrami and Mir Ismat exchanged views on the recent agreement between the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi federal government on normalizing the situation in Shengal and helping IDPs to return home. Mir Ismat said that he supported the agreement as a very positive development.

Mir Ismat thanked the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Kurdistan Parliament for valuing the Yazidi community and the other religious and ethnic components of the Kurdistan Region.